7 Tips to Designing Fast Loading Website

There are plenty of useful tips to follow in order to design an effective and high-quality website. But among those recommendations, one that is given high importance and proper attention is to achieve fast loading website. This should be given high importance because most visitors are time savvy and they really don't have to waste their time waiting for the loading of the site. Since time is precious, the loading of a page should not take long. If the designer does not solve this, there's a possibility that the web surfer will just look for other sites that will provide them the same resources but with better and faster loading time. Just check out our secrets that will be helpful to create a well-designed and fast loading website for you to keep your visitor stay longer on your site.

1. Lessen the Use of Images

The best solution to achieve a fast loading website is to design it with minimum images. Using graphics is essential in Web Design that really attracts the overall appearance of the page. They also make it more attractive and colorful. However too much make use of images can slow down its loading time. To prevent this to happen, include only necessary images to make the page simple, neat and professional-looking. Just bear in mind that making the site simple is truly effective to bring out what's best on your site.

2. Abstain Using Bulky Images

As informed earlier, using images may upset the loading time of a page. So if the website really needs to include many pictures, you must avoid using bulky and large images to make its loading faster. You have reduced the size of an image into smaller one for about 15kb (maximum) for you to manage your load speed. On the other hand, if you have to show a large photo for the sake of your visitors, include a small image or thumbnail on your page that has a link to a larger one. In that case, the visitors can have an option whether they are willing to wait to view for a larger image to load.

3. Utilize Tables in Creating Simple Icons

As a substitute of using images as icons on your site, just utilize tables in creating menus. Making tables creatively does not only give your site some great-looking designs but also help you to achieve a faster loading time.

4. Reduce the Work on of Flash

Flash animations do catch the attention of most visitors. However, if you do not manage to utilize them properly, they can give bad impressions on your site such as bogging down visitor's system resources and slowing down the loading of the page. To avoid these negative effects, as much as possible abstain using flash animations because it keeps your visitor waiting for a longer time, however if it's really needed, try out to cut down them.

5. Utilize CSS Styles

Since CSS Style is just a simple HTML code, it loads very fast. So to designed well-designed website that can load faster, work on css styles effectively and creatively. This will catch the attentions of most visitors because of designing its text with some cool effects.

6. Minimize the Utilize of Animated Gifs

Just like images, animated gifs can also slow down the loading of a page. So if it's not really important to include that, just don't use that effect. It's because it can also be irritating for some visitors to see animated gifs. But if this will help in enhancing the design of the site, just be sure to reduce them.

7. Keep Observing the Loading of the page

After you have successfully designed your site, always keep observing of your loading page. Having a regular check up for the loading time of your site, will also help to better improve it, in order for you to keep your visitor stay long on and make them come back again for more updates on your site.