Repair/Reinstall Windows Components
Often part of Windows start messing up and not working, this is often because the files belonging to that component are missing or corrupt. The good news is that often these components can be reinstalled with out reinstalling XP. It is best that you run Tweak #6 first but it some times dose to repair some components of Windows XP
The way to do this is first put in you Windows XP CD then go to the folder C:\Windows\inf and right click the .inf file that belongs to that component of Windows that you what to reinstall and press install. I have started to put together a list of what each .inf file belongs to, if you know what one .inf that I have not listed belongs to please PM me.
Accessories accessor.inf
Communications communic.inf <– the components in the Communications folder in Accessories.
COM+ comnt5.inf
Windows Defragmenter dfrg.inf
Distributed Transaction Coordinator dtcnt5.inf
Fax services fxsocm.inf
Windows Fonts font.inf
Windows Games Games.inf
Internet Explorer ie.inf
Internet Explorer Short cuts ieaccess.inf
Windows Internet Games igames.inf
Web Tools iis.inf <–Includes FrontPage
Windows Messenger msmsgs.inf
Multimedia multimed.inf <–Volume control and Sound Recorder and Media Player
Network Management and Monitoring Tools netoc.inf
Outlook Express Shortcuts oeaccess.inf
Out of Box Experience oobe.inf <–oobe folder in C:\Windows\System32
Pchealth pchealth.inf <– Pchealth folder in C:\Windows
Pinball pinball.inf
Indexing Service setupqry.inf
Search srchasst.inf
Terminal Server TsOc.inf
Windows Management Instrumation wbemoc.inf
Windows Messanger Shortcuts wmaccess.inf
Windows Media Player Shorcuts wmpocm.inf
Tour XP wmtour.inf
Wordpad worpad.inf
Accessibility Tool optional.inf
One .inf file of importance that dose not install any thing is sysoc.inf It controls what you see in “Add/Remove Windows Components.” If you open it you will so that most lines end with ,,7 (or some other number) and ,hide,7 (or some other number) adding hide hides it, removing the hide shows it. This can be useful for administrators that what to stop components being installed or removed.
There are 700 .inf files in C:\Windows\inf so that is a very small part of them, I am trying to get a full list.
Hope you find this tweak useful